(847) 220 8838
3000 Dundee Road Suite 418
Northbrook IL 60062
Cutting Edge Counseling of the North Shore offers all clients telehealth!
How do I know if my insurance plan covers telehealth services?
We always recommend that our clients contact Blue Cross Blue Shield to check their telehealth benefits. We have found that most insurance plans are covering telehealth sessions.
What are the costs for telehealth services?
Your out-of-pocket cost should be the same, but every plan is different. We encourage you to reach out to your insurance to verify. Clients will still be required to pay co-pays, coinsurance or deductible charges.
How do I pay my copay if I don't check in at the office?
You may make payments via Venmo at Allyson-Bremer-1, via Zelle at Admin@cuttingedge-therapy.com or by mailing payment to "Cutting Edge Counseling of the North Shore at 3000 Dundee Road Suite 418 Northbrook, IL 60062". If you would like to pay by credit card, there is a 3% administrative fee. If you choose to pay by credit card, please let us know and we can set that up for you.
How do I schedule a telehealth appointment with my therapist?
During your initial conversation, please just indicate that you would like all sessions to be telehealth. If you are a current client, feeling sick or can’t make it into the office, just let your therapist know and they will create a Zoom link for you.
Is Cutting Edge Counseling using a HIPPA compliant software?
Yes, Cutting Edge Counseling will be using Zoom for telehealth which is a HIPAA-compliant video communication product. Specific information about this platform can be found here on their website.
What telehealth platform does Cutting Edge Counseling use?
Cutting Edge Counseling utilizes Zoom, a HIPAA compliant software program.
What technical capabilities are required for telehealth services?
Telehealth sessions can be conducted via phone or video conferencing using your computer.
What are the next steps once a Telehealth session is scheduled?
You will receive a notice via email from our administrative staff with your Zoom link. You will click the “Join Zoom Meeting” link when you are ready.
You can also join a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom.
Will I receive a bill for Telehealth services?
Telehealth services will be submitted to your insurance company for processing claims. Any costs not covered by your insurance (including deductibles, copays or coinsurance costs) will be the client’s responsibility.
Will Cutting Edge Counseling be offering Telehealth services indefinitely?
Yes! Our therapists and clients have found a lot of success with meeting with clients virtually so we have made the decision to offer telehealth services indefinitely.